I REVIEW: Mir & Ryvi Skin Lightening Papaya Soap

Before I begin, I would like to mention that I am not in any way looking to “lighten” my skin but Mir & Ryvi offers organic products so I took the opportunity to try their papaya soap.  These days, I find myself more and more into organic products and I think that’s a very good thing.  I always mention how much I love companies who make the effort to produce organic products, and that for me is win-win-win!

When it comes to bar soaps, I want something that will not really make my skin dry and rough in the end- I want something that will moisturize, will make my skin smooth, that feeling of softness once you apply your lotion after you shower.  That is always a must for me.  And that is why I love Mir & Ryvi’s Papaya Soap.  My experience with organic bath products is that they don’t really bubble much, instead focusing on giving your body that much needed vitamins.  I almost can compare it with L’occitane Milk Soap- they both have that same effect on your skin and at the same time, what I really love is that the soap really lasts long unlike mass-produced bar soaps, after a couple of uses they’re gone gone gone.  Smell wise, I really cannot recognize the papaya part of it- or maybe because *I think* they use the green one instead of the orange.  But that is not a bad thing at all, I love the soft smell of it, it’s the softer version of L’occitane Shea Butter Milk Soap.  Yummy!

From the website:

Skin Lightening Papaya Soap
Exposure to UV radiation and other pollutants can make skin dull and dark. Our skin lightening bar naturally helps make a fairer skin. Papaya enzymes work as exfoliator. Our mulberry extract, sourced from the Jeju Island, has been clinically proven effective in inhibiting the tyrosinase activity on the skin. Tyrosinase activity is responsible for melanin production that, in turn, darkens skin. The mulberry extract is highly potent yet very gentle. Our soap naturally makes skin fairer without the side effects of hydroquinone.

Organic Papaya
• natural exfoliator
• rich in skin vitamins such as A, E and C
• age-old skin practice in the Philippines in lightening one’s skin

Mulberry Extract
•clinically proven effective in inhibiting the production of melanin
• effective for natural treatment of hyper pigmentation
• non-irritant

Vitamin B3
• proven effective as skin lightening

Combination of Vitamin E and other essential oils

• skin moisturizer
• supports the skin renewal, leaving a healthy skin inside and out
• helps in achieving a glowing skin

Like mentioned, I really am not after the whitening effect of it, but I just love this soap and I will definitely order it again.  

Final Verdict: YES.
More INFO here.


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